28 men's singles matches (77 hours)
28 women's singles matches (46.7 hours)
56 matches (123.7 hours) on the original schedule
2 women's singles matches (1 hour) held over from Sunday
58 matches (124.7 hours of tennis)
14 initial warmups (2.3 hours)
46 changeovers between matches (15.3 hours)
9 on-court interviews (0.75 hours)
142.4 hours of court activity
Men's singles: 11 seeds, 5 Americans
Women's singles: 12 seeds, 8 Americans, plus one of each in holdovers
Weather (from Meteo France): Cloudy, high 78, winds 6-12 mph
Sunset: 9:39 local (3:39 EDT)
TV: Tennis Channel, 5 a.m. to 3 p.m.; NBC, noon to 3 p.m.
TV Commentators:
Tennis Channel:
Studio: Brett Haber, Chanda Rubin
5:06 a.m. -- Caroline Wozniacki vs. Veronika Kudermetova -- Bill Macatee, Tracy Austin
7:23 a.m. -- Rafael Nadal vs. Yannick Hanfmann -- Ian Eagle, Jim Courier
9:49 a.m. -- Novak Djokovic vs. Hubert Hurkacz -- Ted Robinson, Paul Annacone, Martina Navratilova
11:48 a.m. -- Serena Williams vs. Vitalia Diatchenko -- Ted Robinson, Lindsay Davenport
1:38 p.m. -- Dominic Thiem vs. Tommy Paul -- Ted Robinson, Paul Annacone
3:03 p.m. -- Kyle Edmund vs. Jeremy Chardy -- Robinson, Annacone
12:02 p.m. -- Serena Williams vs. Vitalia Diatchenko -- Mary Carillo, John McEnroe
1:36 p.m. -- Dominic Thiem vs. Tommy Paul -- Mary Carillo, John McEnroe
28 women's singles matches (46.7 hours)
56 matches (123.7 hours) on the original schedule
2 women's singles matches (1 hour) held over from Sunday
58 matches (124.7 hours of tennis)
14 initial warmups (2.3 hours)
46 changeovers between matches (15.3 hours)
9 on-court interviews (0.75 hours)
142.4 hours of court activity
Men's singles: 11 seeds, 5 Americans
Women's singles: 12 seeds, 8 Americans, plus one of each in holdovers
Weather (from Meteo France): Cloudy, high 78, winds 6-12 mph
Sunset: 9:39 local (3:39 EDT)
TV: Tennis Channel, 5 a.m. to 3 p.m.; NBC, noon to 3 p.m.
TV Commentators:
Tennis Channel:
Studio: Brett Haber, Chanda Rubin
5:06 a.m. -- Caroline Wozniacki vs. Veronika Kudermetova -- Bill Macatee, Tracy Austin
7:23 a.m. -- Rafael Nadal vs. Yannick Hanfmann -- Ian Eagle, Jim Courier
9:49 a.m. -- Novak Djokovic vs. Hubert Hurkacz -- Ted Robinson, Paul Annacone, Martina Navratilova
11:48 a.m. -- Serena Williams vs. Vitalia Diatchenko -- Ted Robinson, Lindsay Davenport
1:38 p.m. -- Dominic Thiem vs. Tommy Paul -- Ted Robinson, Paul Annacone
3:03 p.m. -- Kyle Edmund vs. Jeremy Chardy -- Robinson, Annacone
12:02 p.m. -- Serena Williams vs. Vitalia Diatchenko -- Mary Carillo, John McEnroe
1:36 p.m. -- Dominic Thiem vs. Tommy Paul -- Mary Carillo, John McEnroe
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